Services we offer in Sumter County and surrounding areas

We will work with you to provide solutions for your land management projects.  Contact us for a free estimate of the work you need done.

Tractor Services

We can provide several different types of services with our Kubuto tractor and attachments

Mini Excavator Services

Our powerful 10,000 pound Bobcat mini excavator can handle most dirt moving projects.

What we do

Tractor Services

• Bush Hogging • Discing • Roto Tilling • Box Blading • Scrap Blading • Drag Leveling

Other Tractor Services

• Front End Loader for moving dirt, gravel and mulch material • Grapple for moving yard and construction debris

Mini Excavator Services

• Lot Clearing • Ditch Digging • Ditch Bank Cutting • Stump Removal

More Services

Let us know what you would like to get done on your property and we will do our best to provide you with the services you need.


My name is Trotty McCarty, owner operator of Down South Land Specialists. I grew up right here in Sumter on my family’s farm where I learned from my father how to operate different types of machinery in order to maintain the property. After having a career in the delivery industry and moving to town, my family and I decided to move back to the homestead a few years ago after my parents passed away. I picked up right where I left off maintaining the old place because the land is always changing. Between bush hogging, picking up limbs, digging up stumps or whatever else that needs to be done on the property, there is always something to do outside and I love it. I’m retired now and I want to help other people with their land projects. Give me a call or send an email on the contact page and I will do my best to help you. ~ Trotty


We are here to help you!

Looking to keep your property in the best condition?